Thursday, September 15, 2011

Blaze Among Us and Inspire

WOW- so many great things have happened in the past week, I don't know where to begin!

Let me start with last Saturday evening. My sorority, Theta Phi Alpha, held our first date party of the semester at Faulkner's Ranch. It was great fun! I had never heard of the venue before, but was pleasantly surprised upon arriving. The landscape was beautiful- grassy farmland stretched out before us, with horses and goats, a pumpkin patch, a playground, and a fire pit filling in the space. It felt so nice to be encompassed by a spacious atmosphere where I could smell the fresh air. Being a small town girl and all, I felt quite at home! We started the evening off, obviously, at the playground. There were tire swings shaped like horses! Who could pass that up??  
After working up an appetite while "horseback" riding, it was time to roast some hotdogs. Hotdogs happen to be one of my favorite foods, and kudos to Faulkner's Ranch- those may have been some of the best hotdogs I have ever tasted! Either that, or I have some pretty savvy hotdog roasting skills :) 

It wasn't long before we were met by a tractor pulling behind it trailers of hay. We all hopped on for a very scenic hayrack ride. At this point, the sky was dark and, since we were away from the city lights, the stars were shining brightly. With the air hinting that fall was coming, it was the most perfect hayrack-riding atmosphere! We toured around the farm before returning to our gathering space, where some of my Theta Phi sisters were brave enough to try their hand at roping a mechanical bull.

I had such a great time at Faulkner's Ranch. It was so nice to catch up with my sisters after summer break!
I strongly recommend this ranch for anyone who's looking for something fun to do- especially with the approaching fall season!

This past Tuesday, Rockhurst held its annual Mass of the Holy Spirit. This mass that Rockhurst celebrates along with other Jesuit universities across the country, is one of my personal favorites. Not only is there a spirit of excitement and joy among the congregation, but the choir sings for this mass. I absolutely love being a part of the chorus! Our choir instructor always selects such beautiful songs that really enhance the mass experience. I feel like the lyrics have a way of reaching out and speaking to me. And the musical! It is so beautiful! 
In addition, Father John Craig gave a wonderful homily. He tied in the Jesuit core value "Finding God in All Things" (which is the core value that Rockhurst has dedicated this year to) to the focus of the mass, the Holy Spirit. He spoke about moments when we feel a special movement within us, when we feel a spark. God can be found in these moments, for He is in all things. During those very precious moments, God reaches out to us and sends His Holy Spirit, so that we may experience HIm. This homily, along with the beautiful music, gave me a feeling of such peace and inspiration.

Somewhere that I feel I've found God recently is with the children who attend the schools I'm volunteering at. Joining the kids in the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing classroom has been such a blessing. Yes, I've already experienced a fair share of nose-bleeds, spilled milk, and lessons on sharing, but I've learned a lot too. I think it's so amazing how some of these children have a hard time hearing their fellow classmates, yet those children who can hear will use whatever communication they can to include them. They don't let physical barriers prevent them from being friends...and they're only 3-5 years old! I think the world could use examples like these kids.

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